Wednesday 29 August 2007

A-Ma Cultural Village - Coloane Island 路環媽祖文化村 (路环妈祖文化村)

A-Ma Cultural Village, with a coverage of 7,000 square meters. The Cultural Village is surrounded with the well-known A-Ma Statue which locates at the highest point at Coloane. It features religion, folklore, culture and leisure-seeking and expects to become a tourist mecca in Macau.

7,000 平方米的媽閣文化村,將環繞在一座本地最高點。以宗教為特色,民間傳說,文化和休閒設施, 期望成為在澳門的遊客目的地。

天后宮佔地面積約七千平方米, 位於路環疊石塘山頂。 整體建筑有甬道, 亭式山門, 祭壇, 大殿及梳妝樓四幢建筑。建筑物兩側對稱建有鐘樓、鼓樓、南北廊廡樓。 天后宮主廟群建筑始於路環高頂馬路旁的甬道, 甬道由六組階梯組成, 梯級中間均嵌有大幅青石浮雕或透雕的雙麒麟, 雙獅戲球, 虎嘯圖, 五鶴同喜, 雙鳳朝牡丹, 雙龍戲珠等吉祥圖案, 至山門前石埕。

Source : and taken by smtfhw
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