Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Macau - Taipa Tunnel 澳氹海隧

Macau government to build two tunnels between peninsula and Taipa Island

The Macau government has launched a public tender for the design and construction of two road tunnels between the Macau peninsula and Taipa Island, officials said Wednesday. As for today, the Macau peninsula is linked to Taipa Island by three bridges built, but traffic between the peninsula and Taipa is expected to increase substantially over the next few years due to the new tourist development and casinos that are currently under construction at Cotai Strip. The tunnels, which will be one-way with three lanes each side, will cost the total of US$130.2 million. Each of the tunnels will be around 2 kilometers long. According to the tender announcement work, the project should take around two years and eight months (960 days) to complete. The construction work on the project should begin at the end of 2006 and be concluded in mid 2009.

澳氹海底隧道規劃以兩條封閉式管道組成,每條管道為單向三線行車。隧道長約一千七百米。「澳氹海底隧道」總投資約16億至18.4億澳門元, 施工期約三至四年, 規劃和初步設計在二OO六年開展, 由於現時三條大橋不收費,擬建的澳氹海底隧道也不會收費。

澳門 - 位於嘉樂庇大橋與觀音像之間一幅填海地段
氹仔 - 位於現時嘉樂庇總督大橋出入口附近

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