Tuesday 27 November 2007

Giant truffle bid in Macau 全球最大重1.5公斤白松露王澳門拍賣 (全球最大重1.5公斤白松露王澳门拍卖)

This Saturday on the 1st Dec, Hong Kong and Macau's richest tycoons are expected to gather at an exclusive auction for a chance to snaffle one of the largest truffles ever discovered. The 1.5 kg giant white truffle will be sold via videolink to diners at Grand Lisboa casino in Macau.

The truffle was found in a wood near Pisa in Italy's Tuscany region on Friday. According to auction organiser Giselle Oberti, the truffle is expected to fetch more than 206,000 US dollars. "We hope to get the truffle blessed by the Pope before it flies out, but things need to move fast as white truffles should be eaten within 20 days," said Oberti according to Britain's Guardian newspaper.


白松露王被獵人Cristiano Savini所養的狗Rocco在意大利比薩郊區發現,該單一白松露重達1.5公斤,打破1999年發現的另一顆1.31公斤的白松露世界紀錄。每年10月至12月是產期的白松露是最貴的食用菌類。

Source : popsci.typepad.com