Saturday 3 November 2007

Macau Newspapers 澳門所有報紙一覽 (澳门所有报纸一览)

Newspapers are publish in Macau in a number of different languages include Chinese, Portuguese and English. Out of all these newspapers, Macau Daily has the largest circulation. People in Macau also read the newspapers publish from Hong Kong.

Chinese Newspapers 中文報章(日報)
* 大眾報 (Tai Chung Pou) - Macau's only Chinese-language daily that includes a Portuguese-daily supplement
* 市民日報
* 正報 (Cheng Pou)
* 星報
* 現代澳門日報
* 華僑報 (Va Kio Daily)
* 澳門日報 (Macau Daily News)
* 新華澳報

* 訊報 (Son Pou)
* 澳門脈搏 (Pulso)
* 時事新聞
* 澳門觀察報 (Observatório de Macau)
* 澳門早報 (Agora Macau)

中文報章 (半月刊)
* 澳門勞動報

中文報章 (月刊)
* 品報

* 號角報 (Clarim, O)
* 今日澳門 (Macau hoje)
* 澳門論壇報 (Jornal Tribuna de Macau)
* 句號報 ( Ponto Final)

* 澳門郵報 (Macau Post)