Thursday 1 November 2007

Transportation : Macau external transports by Sea 澳門水路交通 - 噴射飛航, 新渡輪(澳門), 金光噴射飛航及巨龍渡輪 (澳门水路交通 - 喷射飞航, 新渡轮(澳门), 金光喷射飞航及巨龙渡轮)

The Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal now serves as the major terminal for Macau's passenger traffic by sea. All the route is served by high speed catamarans and jetfoils with the journey takes approximately one hour. At present, all the ferry the services are operated by TurboJET and New World First Ferry Macau. A temporarily ferry terminal, which is adjacent to the Macau International Airport in Cotai is now complete, some of the passenger traffic by sea will be diverted to this new facility in order to solve the overcrowded problems. A new terminal which is under construction now and upon completion probably in early 2009.

There are two small container port facility in Macau - Macau Container Port and Kai Ho Oil Port, which both are located at Coloane. Macau Container Port is undergoing an expansion for its 2nd phase.

澳門現有兩間船公司提供每天來往港澳兩地之航班,分別為噴射飛航及新渡輪(澳門)。噴射飛航的航班主要來往澳門新港澳碼頭到上環港澳碼頭、尖沙咀中港碼頭或香港國際機場, 新渡輪(澳門)只提供來往澳門新港澳碼頭和尖沙咀中港碼頭之航線。

澳門共有四個主要港口,分別是內港碼頭(位於澳門半島的西面), 外港碼頭(新港澳碼頭位於澳門半島東面), 北安客運碼頭(新港澳碼頭), 九澳港(亦稱深水港, 位於路環島的東北面的深水港,澳門貨櫃碼頭的所在地。) 鄰近澳門國際機場的氹仔北安碼頭於2007年10月16日開幕。由於碼頭仍在建設,所以碼頭首兩年是以臨時方式來營運。臨時碼頭設有三個泊位, 由兩間公司經營金光噴射飛航 Cotai Jet 及 巨龍渡輪。 計劃中航線包括北安至香港上環港澳碼頭。

Hong Kong to Macau Turbo Jet Services
Source : Turbo Jet