Friday, 28 March 2008

Seac Pai Van Natural Park 澳門離島石排灣公園 (澳门离岛石排湾公园)

Pic Source : msn

The 20-hectare Seac Pai Van Natural Park in Macau is the largest of the parks and gardens in Macau located at Coloane. The park is site on the wooded hills of the Coloane islet on the western side of the island.

The park also houses the Museum of Nature & Agriculture in Macau. This museum gives an interactive demonstration on the natural culture, geography, climate, therapeutic plants and various other facades of the natural environment of Macau through the audio-visual and written presentation.

Furthermore, the park offers to visitors many adventures. It offers picnic areas, children's playgrounds and flowerbeds to attract the visitors. The mini-zoo inside the park has various kinds of animals. There is a trail runs to the A-Ma shrine at the top of the hill.

位於澳門路環島西北的石排灣公路旁的石排灣公園是澳門最大的郊野公園之一。 佔地約二十萬平方米。 前身為一座農庄, 在四十年代其間曾為耶穌會修士們在該庄圍培育孤兒, 直至1985年轉名為石排灣郊野公園。 現在的石排灣公園是一綜合性公園。

石排灣郊野公園依山傍海, 林翠水綠。 公園有多種健康設施包括一條健康徑, 一個小型兒童公園, 二個育苗場, 一個小湖泊, 一個佔地近千平方米的觀鳥區, 籠內有上百種鳥類。 一間展覽及投映室, 一小塊露營營地, 一個藥用植物園, 一個香花植物園, 一間餐廳, 一所詢問處。

公園內還陳列著一架小型飛機, 是1987年墜毀的從澳門返航的葡萄牙飛機, 修理后又送給澳門作為陳列品。 另外相傳在公園附近的山谷中, 有一清嘉慶年間著名海盜張保仔的藏身洞。