Monday, 21 April 2008

Aux Beaux Arts at MGM Macau 澳門美高梅金殿寶雅座法國餐廳 (澳门美高梅金殿宝雅座法国餐厅)

Pic Source : nextmedi

Situated in a quiet spot of Wynn Macau, Aux Beaux Arts was designed to make eating French food an enjoyable and tasty experience with modern overtones. The restaurant’s consultant Paris-based Michelin starred chef Philippe Marc, flies in this restaurant three times a year to update the menu.

The food itself at Aux Beaux Arts is authentic brassiere style fare with an emphasis on traditional home-style cooking, using fresh ingredients and slow-cooking methods to bring out the full flavor. The staff are uniformed in traditional brasserie outfits dating back to the 1930's, and trained in French fare to be able to introduce French food to guests who are not familiar with it. All utensils at the restaurant such as plate lines, flatware lines and glassware are specially chosen from French quality producers such as Bernardaud, Puiforcat, St. Louis crystal and Languiole, etc.

寶雅座在法文中有「美麗的藝術」的意思, 法國人素以優雅見稱, 將美食藝術化讓簡單的一頓飯變得充滿浪漫意境。 寶雅座還有由米芝連星級名廚Philippe Marc親自主理, 駐於巴黎的他每年都會專程飛到寶雅座三次更新餐廳菜單。 餐廳動人的環境令人不期然聯想到法國人優雅的生活方式。 寶雅座的全體員工除一律穿著30年代傳統Brasserie制服外, 更全部接受過法國食品訓練。 餐廳的食物是地道的Brasserie風格, 著重使用法國傳統的家常煮食方法。

寶雅座與一般法國餐廳有所不同, 這裡的氣氛不單以華貴為主, 室內的裝潢採以典雅溫暖的色彩。 餐廳全部用具都為法國著名的餐具品牌, 如碟子、餐具和玻璃器具便使用了Bernardaud、 Puiforcat、St. Louis和 Languiole 等著名品牌。

地址: 新口岸孫逸仙大馬路澳門美高梅金殿天幕廣場法國小區內
電話: 8802-2319/8802-3888