An free entry exhibition in the Macao Museum of Art showcasing 130 Ancient Greece works of art from the Louvre. The exhibition begins from 10th April, and it will last for 3 months.
Macao-leg exhibition was categorized into four sections, namely Life in Ancient Greece, Spirit of Competition of the Ancient Greeks, Religious Worship in Ancient Greece and Souls of Ancient Greece. The exhibits include ancient Greek sculptures, pottery, masks and gravestone, etc. The Macao Museum of Art will be the last stop of this Asia regional tour.
今次名為「文明序曲——羅浮宮珍藏古希臘瑰寶展」展覽由澳門民政總署、旅遊局、法國駐香港及澳門總領事館及法國羅浮宮博物館合辦。展覽由四部分組成,包括生活在古希臘、古代希臘的競爭精神、古希臘的宗及古希臘的偉人 - 亂世與英雄, 是次展出展品有雕像、陶瓷、青銅、黃金或白銀等。
A man looks at the Pedimented Naiskos Funerary Stele statue with a "boy and a dog"
Source : Getty Images

A woman points to Ares, also know as the "Borghese Ares" statue during "the plato in the land of Confucius"
Source : Getty Images

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