Monday, 21 April 2008

Solmar Restaurant 沙利文餐廳 (沙利文餐厅)

Solmar Portuguese Restaurant serves one of the most historical famous and elegant Portuguese cuisine in Macau. The restaurant served only customers from upper class in private membership basis in the 60's. Since the excellent food quality and outstanding reputation service, the restaurant decided open to public by the huge carry on requesters.

Suggestions dishes from the main chef Mr. Young includes : Solmar vegetable soup, Jumbo prawn in garlic spiced sauce, Grilled sea brass in Portuguese style, and our Portuguese chicken in hot clay pot.

Address : 512 Avenida Da Praia Grande, Macau
Tel : 28881881

開業40年的沙利文餐廳是第一代在澳門開設的葡國餐館, 過往歷代澳督及澳門特首何厚鏵都是常客。 沙利文四十多年來都只做地道的澳門菜。 這裏堅持只用植物油, 因為大廚對出品的品質要求嚴謹, 所以客人至今還能在餐廳中嚐到二、三十年前嚐到的滋味。

以前沙利文餐廳是高級會所, 並不對外營業, 只接受上流社會人士做會員。 開這家餐廳目的只是為了讓股東有一個私人的地方吃飯。 由於店中大廚炮製的葡國菜太受歡迎了, 於是在後來才正式公開營業。

沙利文餐廳總廚楊師傅介紹非點不可的包括, 沙利文辣大蝦, 葡國雞, 薯蓉青菜湯, 炸馬介休球和非洲雞, 當然唔少得西洋燒魚啦。

地址: 澳門中區南灣大馬路512號
電話: 28881881