Friday 11 July 2008

Wynn Resort considering $3 billion HK IPO 傳永利香港上市籌230億 (传永利香港上市筹230亿)

Wynn Resorts Ltd is considering a Hong Kong share sale. The purpose is to raise as much as $3 billion to help fund the Wynn Cotai project in Macau. UBS, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank have been hired to handle the transaction, according to the South China Morning Post.

Wynn Resorts will be the second Macau casino company to rise funds in Hong Kong this year if the company successfully list on the Hong Kong stock exchange. The first company is SJM - controlled by Stanley Ho.

博彩集團永利度假村(Wynn Resorts)有意在香港作第二上市集資30億美元(逾230億港元),史蒂夫•韋恩(Steve Wynn)可能正在為進行的香港交易所上市做准備。 集資所得將用作發展澳門路氹度假村(Wynn Cotai)。據稱瑞銀(UBS)、德銀(Deutsche Bank)與大摩(Morgan Stanley)已委任為安排是次交易。現階段仍未獲得正式批准, 距離批准亦有一段長時間。

若永利今年成功在香港上市,將會是香港今年集資規模最大的首次公開招股(IPO), 在香港今年籌集資金的第二家澳門博彩公司, 第一家是何鴻燊(Stanely Ho)的澳門博彩股份有限公司。