Tuesday 5 August 2008

Carlyle buys apartment blocks - Tower I and Tower V of Lot KL in Macau 私募基金斥資20億元購澳門華廈明珠兩座住宅 (私募基金斥资20亿元购澳门华厦明珠两座住宅)

Headquarter in US, private equity firm Carlyle Group has bought two residential towers in Macau located in the Pearl district. The deal was worth over MOP $2 billion.

Developed by Sin Kin Wan Group - one of the largest developers in Macau. The "Lot KL" project consist of five 35 storey towers and a total of 942 residential units. Carlyle Group bought out the first and fifth tower of this project, which comprise a total of 372 residential units, 372 car parking spaces with all in three-bedroom layout ranging in sizes from 1,582 to 1,603 sq ft plus clubhouse and commercial amenities. Carlyle Group is going to enlist an international interior designer, and transform these two residential towers into upper-end residences by enhance the layout and finishes of the residential units as well as the clubhouse and other common facilities.

"Lot KL" is expected for completion in mid-2009. This development is adjacent to the future Light Rail Station and the proposed landing point of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge.

總部設於美國, 全球最大型私人股權公司之一的凱雷投資集團(Carlyle Group)首度進軍澳門地產市場, 向由發展商為澳門新建華建築置業購入位於澳門新興住宅區東方明珠KL地段 - 華廈明珠兩座大型住宅(項目中的第一座及第五座, 將包括會所及商業服務設施), 總樓面達六十萬方呎, 涉及全部三房間隔372伙及372個車位, 金額略高於20億元, 每方呎約澳門幣3300元, 面積由1582至1603方呎。

美國凱雷投資集團會聘請國際室內設計師, 提升兩座大廈住宅單位和會所等的設計及裝修, 將這兩座物業提升為高級住宅。

華廈明珠項目包括五座35層高住宅大廈, 合共942個住宅單位, 預期2009年中落成。 項目接近規劃中的的輕鐵站及籌建中的港珠澳大橋澳門落腳點。

Pic Source : mpfinance