Tuesday 16 September 2008

Macau and Mexico inked visa exemption agreement 墨西哥澳門互免簽證可在兩地免簽逗留90天 (墨西哥澳门互免签证可在两地免签逗留90天)

Macau SAR signed a Mutual Visa Exemption Agreement with Mexico, which will grant Macau SAR Passport holders more convenience when entering the Latin American nation. After the agreement comes into effect, holders of a valid Macau SAR Passport will be exempted from visa requirements when entering Mexico for a stay of maximum 90 days.

The agreement will be effective from October 19, 2008.

中美洲國家墨西哥, 即將成為第77個給予澳門免簽證待遇的國家及地區, 澳門與墨西哥將對等給予對方護照免簽證逗留90天。

截至目前共有77個國家和地區, 同意給予澳門護照持有人免簽證或落地簽證待遇。