Friday 17 October 2008

New issues of the MillionaireAsia Macau magazine 澳門版《MillionaireAsia Macau》雜誌隆重面世 (澳门版《MillionaireAsia Macau》杂誌隆重面世)

A high end charity event will be held by Eight Custom Media, to celebrate the launch of new magazine - MillionaireAsia Macau on October 18. The event will be held in Kira, a Japanese restaurant at Crown Macau. Guests from Macau and surrounding regions who received the exclusive invitations, including 60 high net worth individuals, are expected to attend the ceremony.

The first edition of the magazine will be published in November.

為慶祝Eight Custom Media推出澳門版本《MillionaireAsia Macau》雜誌, Eight Custom Media將在10月18日, 在澳門舉行盛大的慶祝儀式。 《MillionaireAsia Macau》創刊號於2008年11月隆重面世。 來自澳門及區內超級貴賓將出席慶祝儀式, 當中包括60名獲發尊貴邀請的高資產值人士。

《MillionaireAsia Macau》出版人兼董事總經理Yves N’Gakoutou說:「我們很榮幸能夠與Jet Asia攜手慶祝Lucky8抵澳, 並衷心祝賀Jet Asia不斷發展, 以加強澳門作為高資產值人士首選目的地的地位。」