Monday 20 October 2008

Multiple Concerts by Macau Orchestra 澳門樂團音樂會 (澳门乐团音乐会)

Macau Orchestra Open Air Concert
This November, Macau Orchestra is holding three concerts. The free 'Open Air Concert' can be enjoyed in the new Tap Seac Square venue on November 8 at 8:00pm. It will be performed in collaboration with young musicians from Macau.

20th Century Music Review
This will be stage on November 15 at 8:00pm at the UNESCO World Heritage listed "Dom Pedro V Theatre". Admission fee MOP$30. It will offer Loeffler's two rhapsodies, Villa-Lobos's Choros No. 4, and Kerrey Turner's Brass Quintet.

Xue Wei's Brahms' Concert
Internationally renowned violinist Xue Wei together with the Macau Orchestra will presents Brahms' famous 'Violin Concerto in D Major' on November 22 at 8:00pm. The concert will be held at the Grand Auditorium of Macau Cultural Centre. Admission fee MOP$120 and MOP$80. In addition, Mozart's opera 'Die Zauberflöte' and Mendelssohn's beguiling 'Symphony No. 4 in A Minor' will be performed.

澳門樂團的品牌節目「露天音樂會」將於11月8日晚上8時舉行, 今年從大三巴牌坊移師到塔石廣場舉行, 音樂會邀請本地音樂愛好者聯合演奏多首名曲。

另一場室內樂音樂會「20世紀音樂的回眸」將於11月15日晚上8時在位於世界遺產「澳門歷史城區」的中國首座西式劇院崗頂劇院舉行。 門票澳門幣$30。

「薛偉的勃拉姆斯」音樂會將於11月22日晚上8時在澳門文化中心綜合劇院舉行, 「四大小提琴協奏曲」之一, 著名《D大調小提琴協奏曲》(Violin Concerto in D Major)是作曲家勃拉姆斯(Brahms)唯一一首小提琴協奏曲。 傑出的國際著名小提琴家薛偉, 與德國指揮家克利斯朵夫.波旁(Christoph Poppen), 門票澳門幣$120、80。 此外亦有莫扎特(Mozart)歌劇《狄托的仁慈》序曲(Overture ‘Die Zauberflote’)和門德爾松(Mendelssohn)《第四交響曲》(Symphony No.4, in A Minor)。