Sunday 19 October 2008

Oktoberfest to be held in Macau 澳門德國啤酒節二○○八 (澳门德国啤酒节二○○八)

The Mandarin Oriental Macau is to host celebration of Oktoberfest from 7 to 16 November 2008. This year the hotel will set up a 25m long Munich beer tent with room for up to 400 people. A variety of German food such as veal sausages, fire-roasted spicy chicken, sauerkraut, homemade pretzels with beverage highlights including special Paulaner Oktoberfest brew, wine specialties will be serve at the festival. Guests will be entertain along by a six piece German band flown in direct from Munich.

This Oktoberfest event will be held coinciding with the 55th Macau Grand Prix, Macau Food Festival and Macau Firework Displays.

由旅遊局與澳門文華東方酒店合辦的“澳門德國啤酒節二○○八”, 將於11月7至16日假澳門文華東方酒店度假村舉行。澳門德國商會期望慶典能持續每年舉辦, 務求把國際馳名慕尼黑啤酒節搬到澳門。

文華東方酒店度假村場地將佈置成啤酒園, 場地並搭建40公尺長, 可容納300人的大型帳幕。 賓客可安坐長木椅品嘗優質巴伐利亞啤酒, 德國地道食品, 德國香腸, 一邊盡情享受專誠由德國慕尼黑遠道而來6人樂隊Six Pac現場精彩演出。

德國啤酒節舉行期間, 澳門將同時舉行大賽車、美食節、煙花匯演等活動。

Paulaner Oktoberfest beer
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