Sunday 9 November 2008

Spain wins Miss International 2008 第48届國際小姐選美西班牙小姐奪冠 (第48届国际小姐选美西班牙小姐夺冠)

Alejandra Andreu, Cristina Díaz and Anna Tarnowska
Pic Source : cnsphoto

The top 5
Pic Source : takungpao

The 18 year old Alejandra Andreu from Spain bested 62 other contestants from around the world, to become the new 48th Miss International. She was crowned by the last year's Miss International, Priscilla Perales of Mexico. Alejandra Andreu finished in 3rd place at the Miss Spain pageant last March. She became one of the youngest winners in Miss International history and also won a special award of Miss Photogenic at this pageant. This marked the third Miss International crown for Spain.

In a spectacular two and a half hour show held at the Venetian Resort, a variety of unique performances were performed by the 63 contestants competed in the evening event.

During the first phase of the pageant, contestants were introduced in their national costumes. All the contestants worn different costumes which represented the uniqueness and cultures of their home countries and regions.

The second portion of the competition was the swimsuit parade, in which contestants worn only swimwear and high-heeled shoes.

After that, the Top 12 semi-finalists were announced in alphabetical order. The 12 finalists took part in the dance on the stage, and this performance were counted as part of the final score.

The last phase of the pageant was the question and answer portiion. The 12 finalist dress in traditional Chinese costume 'Qi Pao' and delivered their final speech before the announcement of the winner was made.

WINNER: Spain - Alejandra Andreu
1st Runner Up: Colombia - Cristina Díaz
2nd Runner Up: Poland - Anna Tarnowska
3rd Runner Up: China - Chang Wen Liu (劉暢文)
4th Runner Up: Czech Republic - Zuzana Putnářová

Top 12
* Jennifer Pazmiño (Ecuador)
* Kyoko Sugiyama 杉山恭子 (Japan)
* Jessica Michelle Kahawaty (Lebanon)
* Patricia Fernandez (Philippines)
* Miriam Pabón (Puerto Rico)
* Gülsün Uslu (Turkey)
* Dayana Colmenares (Venezuela)

Special Awards
Miss Photogenic: Alejandra Andreu (Spain)
Best National Costume: Nuraysa Lispier (Aruba)
Miss Natural Beauty: Tatiana Ryneiskaya (Belarus)
Miss Friendship: Georgina Cisneros (El Salvador)

全球三大選美會之一的第48届國際小姐11月8日晚在澳門威尼斯人金光綜藝館舉行。 經過激烈角逐, 第48屆國際小姐結果由51號, 現年18歲, 賽前大熱的西班牙佳麗Alejandra Andreu脫穎而出。 登上冠軍寶座兼更獲選奪最上鏡小姐, 雙料冠軍。

一衆佳麗先以所屬國家或地區民族服裝出場及作自我介紹, 澳門小姐呂蓉茵穿上粵劇戲服形象示人。 會場亦不乏其他國家地區的支持者, 部分者更帶同國旗及標語到場支持, 當中以菲律賓小姐最多同鄉到場支持, 每當菲律賓小姐出場, 場內立即傳出歡呼聲不絕。 緊接着便是選美比賽最受歡迎的泳衣環節,佳麗穿上自選泳衣出場盡現玲瓏身段。 這環節始終都以較為開放的歐美佳麗表現較佳, 毫不怯場。

泳裝出場後, 63位佳麗便以自選晚裝出場向司儀講出各人的環保理念。

3個環節後, 63位佳麗只有12位可以繼續比賽。由司儀按入選佳麗所屬國家或地區英文名稱首個字母順序宣讀12位將可以繼續比賽佳麗姓名。 賽前大熱的西班牙及日本佳麗, 成功晉身準決賽。澳門小姐呂蓉茵初賽已被淘汰出12強, 但賽後表示十分高興今次能代表澳門參與國際選美盛事。

進入準決賽12位佳麗隨即逐個上台表演跳舞, 其餘落選的五十一位佳麗佳麗則成為陪舞。

其後12位佳麗身穿中國旗袍出場, 講出當選後的抱負。

最後由西班牙小姐安德露(Alejandra Andreu)大熱勝出, 安德露指, 自己的談吐及眼神及步姿最令人滿意。 今後將承諾會以國際小姐身份履行國際小姐的責任, 親自到世界各地進行親善探訪活動及盡力幫助有需要的人, 希望自己燦爛微笑能讓大衆感受愛。 她表示當宣佈自己當選一刻, 感到相當興奮及難以置信。 安德露表示自己盡了力參加比賽,仍在求學的她當選後會繼續學業。

國際小姐選美盛事共設有九個賽項, 前5名佳麗均是學生。
冠軍: 西班牙, 同時奪得最上鏡小姐獎 (現年18歲)
亞軍: 哥倫比亞 (現年21歲)
季軍: 波蘭 (現年22歲)
第四名: 中國 (現年21歲)
第五名: 捷克 (現年22歲)

厄瓜多, 日本, 黎巴嫩, 菲律賓, 波多黎各, 土耳其, 委內瑞拉

最親善小姐: 薩爾瓦多 (現年18歲)
最上鏡小姐: 西班牙 (現年20歲)
最佳民族服裝獎: 阿魯巴 (現年23歲), 憑一襲蝴蝶造型的民族服飾奪奬
最完美肌膚獎: 白俄羅斯 (現年21歲)