Thursday 20 November 2008

Xie Nan and Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra -'Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto' 謝楠與澳門青年交響樂團上演經典《梁祝》 (谢楠与澳门青年交响乐团上演经典《梁祝》)

Currently instructor of the Central Conservatory of Music in China, outstanding violinist Xie Nam is going to perform at Macau Cultural Center in this coming December. Xie Nam has toured England, Germany, Russia, the United States, Japan and many other countries giving concerto performances and solo recitals.

Xie possesses exquisite skills in music which she reveals with enthusiasm and passion, combining techniques from Chinese folk musical instruments and elements taken from Chinese operas to imbue the 'Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto with mesmerising freshness.

Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra will joins her to bring audiences classic pieces such as 'Carmen Fantasy' by Pablo Sarasate and the 'Devil's Trill' by Giuseppe Tartini.

Time: 8:00 p.m.
Venue: Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Centre, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE
Admission: MOP$200, 100, 60
Organizer: Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra
Sponsors: Macau Foundation, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau
Telephone enquiries: 2825 2899

由澳門青年交響樂團協會主辦的“梁祝——謝楠與澳門青年交響樂團音樂會”, 12月8日晚八時假文化中心綜合劇院上演, 由鋼琴家黃亞蒙、小提琴家謝楠與澳門青交樂團同台演出。

中國傑出小提琴家, 現任教於中央音樂學院管弦系的謝楠, 曾在英、德、俄、美、日等地演出數百場音樂會。

謝楠演繹的《梁祝小提琴協奏曲》奏出一份淒美,使這美麗傳說糅合中華民族的古典美。 除了以中國民族樂器演奏, 更融合中國戲劇唱腔元素, 使《梁祝》更具戲劇性和立體感。

音樂會上半場謝楠將與黃亞蒙共同演奏了馬斯涅的《沉思》, 塔爾蒂尼《G小調小提琴奏鳴曲》, 馬思聰《喇嘛寺院》及薩拉薩蒂《卡門幻想曲》, 下半場則由謝楠與青交樂團協奏一曲《梁山伯與祝英台小提琴協奏曲》。

地點:澳門文化中心綜合劇院 / 冼星海大馬路
票價:澳門幣$200, 100, 60
查詢電話:2825 2899