Friday 16 January 2009

The all-new BMW 7 Series Launched in Macau 全新寶馬7系登陸澳門 (全新宝马7系登陆澳门)


BMW Concessionaires (Macau) introduced the latest generation of BMW’s flagship model – the all-new BMW 7 Series into Macau market. The company held an exclusive grand launch event on 15th January. This is the 5th generation of the product, after BMW naming its luxury series as the 7 Series. Over 100 guests including socialites, corporate VIPs and VIP customers were invited and attended to unveil the all-new BMW 7 Series.

為隆重慶祝全新寶馬7系豪華房車正式登陸澳門,寶馬汽車(澳門)有限公司1月15日晚於漁翁街寶馬汽車陳列室舉行新車發佈酒會。 讓一衆應邀人士率先近距離欣賞全新寶馬7系豪華房車。 登陸澳門的全新寶馬7系, 均為長軸距版本, 軸距達3.21米, 是同級車中軸距最長的車型, 進一步突出寶馬7系優雅一面。