Macau's economy sustained rapid growth in 2008, as its GDP rose by 13.2 percent year-on-year in real terms although negative growth did occur in the fourth quarter. Despite the global financial crisis, Macau still recorded the strong economic growth in the first half of last year, which brought Macau's GDP for the whole year 2008 to an estimated amount of MOP $171.87 billion (equivalent to US$21.8 billion dollars), and brings up 13.2 percent year-on-year in real terms.
Macau’s economic growth was driven by an increase in gross gaming and gambling revenues (excluding gratuities). It surged by 31 percent year-on-year in 2008, while total visitor arrivals exceeded 22 million, with total visitor spending (excluding gaming expenses) registering a 2.2 percent growth in real terms. Private spending rose 7.5 percent due to a rise in the employed population and salaries.
據澳門統計暨普查局公佈的資料, 2008年澳門本地生產總值(GDP)實質增長率為13.2%。
去年澳門本地生產總值為1718億澳門元, 實質增長率為13.2%, 人均本地生產總值為31萬澳門元(約3萬9千美元)。 去年全年博彩毛收入上升31%, 旅客非博彩消費、居民私人消費均有所上升, 成為全年GDP增長的支撐因素。 全年入境旅客有22,907,724人次, 較2007年實質上升2.2%。
二00八年澳門本地生產總值呈逐季下跌態勢, 第一到第三季度分別為百分之三十二、百分之二十二、百分之十,第四季GDP受到博彩服務出口、投資及貨物出口同時下跌的影響下,錄得百分之七點六的實質跌幅,是近五年來首次的季度負增長。
儘管環球經濟急速變壞, 但在博彩旅遊業快速發展的推動下澳門經濟在去年上半年仍未受到太大的衝擊, 踏入下半年受金融危機及來澳內地個人游旅客減少的影響逐漸浮現, 博彩旅遊業增長開始放緩, 整體投資持續下跌, 致使經濟明顯收縮。
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Macao's GDP grows 13.2% in 2008 amid global financial crisis 澳門去年生產總值增長百分之十三 (澳门去年生产总值增长百分之十三)
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