Sunday 8 March 2009

Shibasaki Kōu filming ads in Macau 日本女星柴崎幸赴澳門拍廣告 (日本女星柴崎幸赴澳门拍广告)


One of the most famous Japanese artist - Shibasaki Kōu, will appear in the new Fuji digital camera commercial. She spent three days in Macau to film this commercial. The commercial was shot at different location including the Four Seasons Hotel and Senado Square.

日本女星柴崎幸, 獲富士數位相機重金起用擔任新代言人。 富士數位相機新宣傳片及照片看中澳門的葡國情調, 取景澳門拍攝廣告。 繼日本樂壇天后濱崎步去年到澳門後, 柴崎幸日前更秘密抵達澳門, 在澳門四季酒店及議事亭等名勝取景拍攝廣告。 柴崎幸經由香港抵達澳門逗留三日兩夜進行拍攝。 據知柴崎幸入住的四季酒店總統套房每日房租達四萬元, 主人房的浴室更有三溫暖和按摩浴缸, 讓柴崎幸工作後可以浸浴鬆弛一下。