Monday 27 April 2009

The Challenger at Venetian Macau 澳門威尼斯人挑戰者拳王爭霸 (澳门威尼斯人挑战者拳王争霸 )


The Challenger is set to be the most significant fight event ever hosted in Macau, with many of the worlds Greatest Muay Thai fighters taking to the ring.

Fighters from all corners of the globe including China, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany and the USA will come head to head.

The Challenger will feature the FIRST Sino-Japan 4-men tournament (welter-weight) and for the FIRST time in Macau, an 8-men tournament (open-weight). K-1 Max favorites will go head to head, under a same night elimination structure against Chinese favorites, including hometown boy HEUNG 'bomber' PAK WING who will be entered into season 2 of 'CONTENDER ASIA' if he manages to pack the punches against his Japanese opponents.

Special guest - Hollywood action hero Mr. Jean Claude Van Damme, including a sneak preview of his latest movie

Date : Saturday 30th May 7:00pm

Venue : CotaiArena™

Ticket Price : MOP$700, MOP$400, MOP$150, Ringside Table Seating includes a 3-course meal with drinks at MOP 4,750 per seat at the Gold Table, or MOP 3,750 per seat at the Silver Table.

Duration : To be Confirmed

Language : English

Book Tickets : Click Here

澳門有史以來最具特色的泰拳邀請賽 - 挑戰者拳王爭霸!來自世中國、荷蘭、香港、日本、德國以至美國等地最頂尖的泰拳好手包括日本K-1Max選手尾崎圭司, 安廣一哉挑戰香港傳奇, 3年來未嘗一敗綽號 “轟炸機”之向柏榮, 以及國內天才拳手徐琰。 將雲集澳門擂台一決高下。

挑戰者拳王爭霸將為您帶來首次中日四人次中量級賽事, 以及首次於澳門舉行的八人無限量級賽事。 參賽高手需於當晚連勝2或3場方能稱王。

本次爭霸賽更特別邀請荷裡活影星尚格雲頓到場, 觀眾更可一窺他即將上映的最新電影預告

日期 : 5月30日星期六PM7時

地點 : 金光綜藝館™

價格 : 澳門幣$700, $400, $150 (拳擊區的金貴賓座及銀貴賓座門票售價分別為每位4,750澳門元及3,750澳門元,各包括3道菜的晚餐及飲品)

時間 : 稍后公布

語言 : 英語

訂購門票 : Click Here