Monday 1 June 2009

City of Dreams Grand Opening Media Launch 新濠天地夢想成真開幕典禮發佈會 (新濠天地梦想成真开幕典礼发佈会)

Interview with Lawrence Ho

Lawrence Ho - co-chairman of Melco Crown Entertainment, speaks at a presentation.

Pic Source : Getty Image

A press conference was held to mark the official launch of City of Dreams today on the 1st June. Mr. Lawrence Ho, Co-Chairman and CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment and Mr. Greg Hawkins, President of City of Dreams officiated at the press conference.

“This morning we stand ready to deliver on our promise to offer visitors to Macau the "next generation" of urban leisure experiences,” said Lawrence Ho. “City of Dreams heralds a new chapter in Macau‟s ongoing development as Asia‟s premier leisure and entertainment destination.

“I am delighted that after years of planning and incredible effort, we can now say that we have turned our City of Dreams into a reality. It is our flagship development and represents a major milestone for Melco Crown Entertainment as we progress towards our vision of providing a comprehensive portfolio of leisure and entertainment experiences in Macau that meet the rapidly evolving demands of Asian and international leisure customers." said Lawrence Ho.

澳門熱門綜合娛樂度假勝地 - 新濠天地今天終於夢想成真。 新濠博亞娛樂之聯席主席兼行政總裁何猷龍先生及新濠天地總裁賀堃先生, 在傳媒發布會上攜手為新濠天地隆重揭幕。

何猷龍先生表示:「今天早上我們經已準備就緒, 熱切期待為到訪澳門的賓客帶來最具時代感的『新一代』休閒娛樂體驗。 這個令人讚歎的綜合娛樂度假勝地將為澳門揭開新一頁, 有助澳門持續發展成為亞洲最頂級的休閒度假目的地。」

「經過多年的精心策劃及不斷努力, 我很高興我們的夢想終於成真! 新濠天地是新濠博亞娛樂旗下的旗艦項目, 對於新濠博亞娛樂來說, 新濠天地是一個重要的里程碑, 我們成功達成了公司的宏願, 在澳門全面打造一個激動人心的休閒娛樂勝地, 滿足了亞洲以至世界各地旅客不斷提升的追求及嚮往。」