Thursday 11 June 2009

IIFA show in Macau 印度國際電影學會頒獎禮澳門開幕 (印度国际电影学会颁奖礼澳门开幕)

India's movie stars already started making their presence in Macau for the "Bollywood Oscars" weekend, which begins from 11st June. The 3 days International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) event will feature performances, premieres, celebrity parties, workshops and business forums.

The three day event is being hosted by Ritesh Deshmukh, Lara Dutta and Boman Irani. Three child stars of the multiple Oscar-winning movie - "Slumdog Millionaire", attended the opening day of the IIFA on Thursday. Other attractions include performances by the world-famous Cirque de Soleil and British singer Peter Andre.

Bollywood legend Amitabh’s wax statue - flown in Macau from London's Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum for the IIFA celebrations, was unveiled at the Venetian during the opening day of the IIFA.

第10屆印度國際電影學會大奬頒奬典禮暨電影週, 6月11日起一連3天在澳門威尼斯人度假村舉行。

為期三天的電影周將舉辦太陽劇團表演、IIFA時裝匯演、全球商界論壇、IIFA電影工作坊及多部電影的簡報會等。 三名《一百萬○一夜》的少年演員出席今次電影周, 並欣賞太陽劇團的表演。 倫敦杜莎夫人蠟像館特為IIFA大使印度著名影星Amitabh Bachchan製造蠟像, 蠟像將在澳門展出, 之後將會安放在香港杜莎夫人蠟像館。 今年電影節及頒奬禮也向Amitabh Bachchan贈予環保綠襟章。

6月12日晚舉行的時裝匯演上將展示印度及香港知名設計師的作品。 英國歌手Peter Andre將擔任時裝匯演的表演嘉賓。 重頭項目“IIFA頒奬典禮”將於6月13日晚舉行, 前環球小姐冠軍Lara Dutta將與印度著名主持人Riteish Deshmukh一同主持此盛會。 印度女星Aishwarya Rai及印度當紅小生Abhishek Bachchan將擔任頒奬禮表演嘉賓。

IIFA 2009 Macau