Tuesday 21 July 2009

Longest solar eclipse of the century - 21世紀最長最完美的日全食 (21世纪最长最完美的日全食)

People across China, India and Japan will be able to witness the longest solar eclipse of the century on 22nd July. However, this total eclipse will not be visible from Macau, but people can witness a partial eclipse, with 70% of the solar disc covered by the moon’s silhouette here in Macau. This partial eclipse will begin at 8:13 am (Macau Time), peak at 9:24 am and end at 10:44 am. The Astronomy Assocication of Macau will organise different activitities during the day to facilitate members of the public to view this astronomical event. A commemorative envelope and various philatelic products will be available to public by Macau Post during the above activities.

The total eclipse will first appear at dawn in India's Gulf of Khambhat, then it will move east across India, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China and across southern Japanese islands, with the last brief view from Nikumaroro Island in the South Pacific. This greatest eclipse will occur over the Pacific Ocean at 6 minutes and 39 seconds.

本世紀歷時最長一次21世紀「最完美日全食」, 將會在2009年7月22日上午在亞洲壯觀登場。 這是一生人只有一次觀賞機會, 時數之長預料未來數十年均不再現。 月球本影會沿中國長江東行, 掃過長江中下游兩岸許多重要城鎮。 日全食的時間最長達6分39秒。 而澳門因為地理位置, 只會見到日偏食現象。 澳門可看到日面70%的面積被月球的投影所遮蓋。

日全食將於澳門時間7月22日早上8時2分最先在印度肯帕德灣(Gulf of Khambhat)出現, 八分鐘內會橫越印度大陸中部, 再掠過尼泊爾南部、孟加拉北部和不丹, 之後進入中國。 日食帶會走進大海, 掠過日本西南諸島, 再向東南走進西太平洋。 澳門居民將可觀賞2個半小時的日偏食現象, 東部沿海或沒有高廈的區域向東望, 均適宜觀看日偏食。

為配合2009年日食觀測科普活動之舉行, 澳門郵政局分別在澳門科技大學及氹仔大潭山郊野公園設置臨時櫃台, 為市民提供加蓋『2009年日食觀測科普活動』紀念郵戳服務。

初虧(開始): 08:13
食甚(日食面積最大): 09:24
復圓(結束): 10:44