Friday 17 July 2009

Macau performance at the 2nd Lusophony Games 第2屆葡語系運動會澳門成績 (第2届葡语系运动会澳门成绩)


After 7 days of competitions at the 2nd Lusophony Games held at Lisbon, Brazil has so far widen its big lead in the medals table, the host country Portugal ranks second, while African country Angola took the third spots.

Macau has finish all the games at the Lusophony Games and won 1 gold, 3 silver and 5 bronze medals in total. Wong Chon Nam won the only gold medal for Macau in the women's 67kg category and Chan Chi-Kuen won a silver in the men's 80kg category taekwondo. Both male and female volleyball teams have won a silver medal, with both teams winning their matches against India, but losing against Portugal. Macau also won a bronze medal (Kin Wa Leong) in the men's single table tennis event, men's double table tennis event and women's double table tennis event, Taekwondo women's 67kg (Li Sin Man) and men's 58kg (Cheung Chi Kin) category.

Macau was represented by a delegation of 60 athletes playing six different sports. This includes 6 athletes taking part in athletics, 11 in basketball, 5 in judo, 8 in table tennis, 7 in taekwando and 23 in volleyball.

第2屆葡語系運動會進行第7天賽事, 實力強勁的巴西代表團以75枚獎牌高踞獎牌榜首位 (金牌33枚, 銀牌22枚, 銅牌20枚)。 東道主葡萄牙以71枚獎牌名列第二 (金牌25枚, 銀牌33枚, 銅牌13枚)。 澳門現以一金, 三銀, 五銅位列奬牌榜第四位。 此次運動會的比賽設置了田徑、籃球、足球、室內足球、乒乓球、跆拳道、排球等8個大項。

澳門運動員在今屆葡語系運動會完成了所有賽事, 並取得1枚金牌, 3枚銀牌和3枚銅牌的出色運動成績。 澳門團在跆拳項目女子六十七公斤以上組別賽事, 實力強橫的王俊楠連贏兩場擊敗葡萄牙贏得金牌。 爭奪男子八十公斤以上級別的陳志權奪得一面銀牌。 男子及女子排球隊在最後一場賽事中雙雙對戰葡萄牙隊, 結果分別以局數0:3不敵對手, 在此項賽事中分別獲得一面銀牌。 在乒乓球女子團體賽事中, 澳門隊分別以局數3:0戰勝印度隊及安哥拉隊, 但以局數0:3分別負於巴西隊及葡萄牙隊, 獲得此項賽事的銅牌。 在男子乒乓球團體賽事季軍爭奪戰中, 澳門隊以局數3:2擊敗對手斯里蘭卡隊。 男子單打賽事隊友黃漢榮及梁建華雙雙進身四強, 梁健華以局數4:1戰勝隊友黃漢榮, 奪得一面銅牌。 澳門還在女子六十七公斤以上組別賽事及男子五十六公斤以上組別賽事, 由李倩雯與張志健各贏一面奪得銅牌。

澳門派出運動員參加田徑、排球、籃球、乒乓球、空手道以及新增的柔道六個項目。 60名運動員組成的代表包括: 6名田徑運動員、11名籃球運動員、5名柔道運動員、8名乒乓球運動員、7名跆拳道運動員、23名排球運動員。