Wednesday 1 July 2009

Secret love in Peach Blossom Land 舞台不敗傳奇《暗戀桃花源》 (舞台不败传奇《暗恋桃花源》)

Two theatre companies mistakenly book into the same venue for rehearsal. One play revolves around an elderly man looking for his long lost love, while the other is a farce about a cuckolded man in a secret paradise . . .

Breathtaking drama, comedy and tragedy share equal billing and common tales are transformed by prominent Taiwanese playwright-director Stan Lai into moving, captivating and meaningful theatre in a collective creation premiered in 1986. This drama was also made into a famous movie in 1992. Chinese TV stars and actors from the National Theatre Company of China and Performance Workshop Theatre Taipei - two great troupes who impressed audiences with their wonderful improvisations in 2006 - now bring this gem to the Macau stage.

Time: 11 & 12 July - 8pm
Venue: Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Centre, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE
Admission: MOP220, 180, 120, 80
Organizer: Macau Cultural Centre
Tel: 2870 0699
Duration: Approx. 2 hours 15 minutes (without intermission)
Performed in Mandarin (with Chinese and English subtitles)

亞洲劇場導演賴聲川著名舞台劇 - 《暗戀桃花源》, 自1986年首演, 旋即成為華文戲劇的耀眼之星。

此劇由兩個互不相干的劇組 - 愛情悲劇《暗戀》及古裝喜劇《桃花源》組成, 因爭奪舞台而延伸精彩的情節散發出微妙的共鳴。 此劇1992年曾被改編成同名電影, 獲東京國際影展銀櫻獎及柏林影展「導演論壇」最佳影片等多項國際殊榮。

2006年, 為慶祝《暗戀桃花源》20周年, 中國國家話劇院與台北表演工作坊首度合作推出內地版, 翌年入選中國話劇百年十大名劇, 創下23年票房不敗的舞台奇跡。

時間: 7月11日及12日晚上8時
地點: 澳門文化中心綜合劇院 / 冼星海大馬路
票價: 澳門幣$220, 180, 120, 80
主辦: 澳門文化中心
電話: 2870 0699
演出約長2小時15分鐘 (不設中場休息)
普通話演出 (附中、英文字幕)