Monday 14 September 2009

Galaxy to buy land site in Macau 銀河娛樂購澳門土地建綜合渡假酒店 (银河娱乐购澳门土地建综合渡假酒店)

Galaxy Entertainment said on 11st September it would pay US$366 million for a land site in Macau. It will plans to develop a complex including hotel, apartment and gaming facilities. The site is located in Cotai, covered 440,248 square metres with a total buildable gross floor area of 1.7 million square metres.

Currently, Galaxy Entertainment is building a property called the Galaxy Macau on the parcel, which sits next door to Las Vegas Sands Corp's massive Venetian Macau. But there is plenty of space to develop future projects on the 4.7 million square foot parcel. Meanwhile, The Galaxy Macau could open as soon as late next year, featuring two 1,500-room hotel towers.

銀河娛樂宣佈斥資28億購入一幅澳門土地, 獲澳門政府批地, 購入一幅位於路氹鄰近望德聖母灣大馬路及蓮花海濱大馬路地盤面積44.02萬平方米土地, 擬建綜合渡假酒店。 該地皮可發展為可建總樓面面積170.37萬平方米的酒店、公寓式酒店、博彩、娛樂、休閒及其他相關設施, 以及29.3萬平方米的室外綠化範圍。

銀河娛樂已於9月10日支付地價首期款項11.6億澳門元, 餘額另加按年利率5%計算之利息, 將由承授人平均分八期每半年支付。

銀河娛樂指, 公司正在興建的大型綜合渡假酒店發展項目乃位於該物業之內, 除發展該項目外, 物業亦為公司提供土地儲備用作發展其他階段。 預期2017年10月前竣工。