Sunday 20 September 2009

Kinky Malinki Pool Party at Venetian Macau - Kinky Malinki澳門威尼斯人池畔派對 (Kinky Malinki澳门威尼斯人池畔派对)


Kinky Malinki are making waves around the world with their sensational parties, and now for the first time, they’re putting on a spectacular pool party at The Venetian Macao.

Kinky Malinki’s resident DJ Grant Richards will perform at the poolside at The Venetian. Richards has traveled the globe bringing the kinky vibes to Jakarta, Singapore and Egypt's Pacha and now – Macau. Passionate about music, he has an amazing knack for crafting some of the most diverse DJ sets around.

Joining Richards in Macau are DJs Miles Slater, Re:Flex, Tai Pan Dan & Arun R, who will keep the party going well into the wee hours.

Date : Saturday, 10th October 2009

Time : 3pm til late

Venue : Venetian Poolside

Ticket Price : MOP$280

Language : English

活躍英倫的新銳舞曲品牌Kinky Malinki, 將首次於澳門威尼斯人舉行熱力四射的池畔派對。

是次池畔派對更有幸邀得Kinky Malinki當家唱片騎師Grant Richards打碟演出。 Grant Richards過去隨Kinky Malinki團隊周游列國, 更將Kinky音樂帶到雅加達、新加坡以至埃及等地, 而今年終於來到澳門!對節拍音樂充滿熱情的他,擁有DJ們夢寐以求的打碟技巧, 對音樂的靈敏更是讓人嘖嘖稱奇。

澳門方面亦派出一眾出色DJ如Miles Slater、Re:Flex、Tai Pan Dan及Arun R一同與Richards將這晚池畔派對的氣氛推上最高峰。

日期 : 10月10日星期六

時間 : 下午3時至深夜

地點 : 威尼斯人池畔

價格 : 澳門幣$200

語言 : 英文