Monday, 21 September 2009

"Poker King" Trailer - in cinemas from 29 October 《撲克王》預告片- 10月22日盛大公映 (《撲克王》预告片- 10月22日盛大公映)

Louis Koo returns with Lau Ching Wan in this comedy....

Randy (Louis Koo) is the heir to a major casino business while Uno (Lau Ching Wan) has been helping to run the business. Randy is obsessed with Texas Hold 'Em Poker over the internet and Uno takes the opportunity to put Randy in a real tournament. At the end of the championship match, the two top players Randy and Uno face off against each other. As the last hand of cards is dealt to the two players, who is going to be the Poker King?

In cinemas from 29 October!!!

由太陽城集團及中國星聯合出品的電影《撲克王》, 以現時歐美及韓國等地流行的「德州樸克」為主題, 兩大主角劉青雲及古天樂在電影中飾演兩大撲克高手互相較量。 劉青雲飾演賭場主管,坦言生活中很少去賭場。 古天樂飾演孤僻高手,台下苦練一些賭徒習慣的玩牌及籌碼技術, 練得他雙手麻痺, 鄧麗欣(Stephy)飾演他的女朋友。
