Monday 5 October 2009

2009 Oktoberfest at MGM Grand Macau 澳門最大型德國啤酒節 (澳门最大型德国啤酒节)


Organised by the Macau Government Tourist Office, German Consulate General and German-Macau Business Association, the MGM Grand Macau is to host a nine day long fun-filled celebration of Oktoberfest this year from 9-17 October. Guests will be able to enjoy plenty of original Paulaner Oktoberfest beer, German food and wine specialities, the best roasted pork knuckles and live music by an authentic German band - the “Högel Fun BAND”. Traditional sizzling bratwurst will be served by traditionally dressed staff.

The celebration of Oktoberfest can be traces back to 1810 in Germany, where all the citizens of Munich were invited to attend festivities held on fields before the city gates and to celebrate the royal wedding.

Date: 9-17 October, 2009
Time: 18:00 Until Late
Venue: The Vista II, MGM Grand Macau
Ticket: MOP$50, Group bookings for 20 people or more will receive free entry.

世界聞名的德國啤酒節將一連九天, 在澳門美高梅金殿可容納逾千人的美高梅金殿維天閣露天草坪舉行。 德國傳統長木桌椅, 加上服務員身穿民族服飾, 令賓客彷如置身德國鄉鎮, 感受別具風味的節慶氣氛。

賓客可暢飲傳統德國Paulaner啤酒及品嚐特色地道美食, 包括多款特色烤肉腸、香燒脆雞配馬鈴薯沙律、傳統德國豬手、香燒脆雞配馬鈴著沙律、原隻德國豬手、慕尼黑脆餅及甜芥末等一系列德國地道美食。 更有由慕尼黑遠道而來的著名八人樂隊 “HÖGEL FUN”現場表演。

德國啤酒節至今已有近二百年歷史。 起源於1810年巴伐利亞王子路德維亞舉行盛大婚宴, 邀請全慕尼黑市人民參與與衆同樂。

門票:澳門幣50元 (二十人或以上團體預訂可免費入場)