Wednesday 14 October 2009

Nanning-Macau-Taiwan Route To Be Launched 澳門航空開通南寧-澳門-台北航線 (澳门航空开通南宁-澳门-台北航线)

Guangxi Airport Management Group and Air Macau will launch a route from Nanning to Taiwan via Macau, starting from October 19. Passengers will be able to get their boarding cards for the two legs at Nanning Wuxu International Airport and check their baggage directly to Taiwan, without checking in again in Macau. The total flight time will be around four hours. Passengers will have two optional destinations when flight to Taiwan, they can either choose to stop at Taipei and Kaohsiung. Currently, there will be three flights scheduled each week on this route - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Each flight will have eight to twelve business class seats to suit the needs of the business people traveling between two places.

Nanning is the capital of Guangxi autonomous region located in the southern part of China. It is known as the "Green City" because of its abundance of lush tropical foliage and pleasant climate all year round.

廣西機場管理集團與澳門航空公司將於19日開通南寧-澳門-台北航線。 航線開通後每星期有三個航班(週一、三、五)來往兩地。 乘客到澳門後可選擇到台北或高雄。 航班到達澳門後再分為澳門-台北及澳門-高雄兩條航線, 分別由不同的航班執飛。 全程4小時左右。 旅客在南寧機場出發時就可以一次性辦理好澳門-台北或高雄航班的乘機手續, 給旅客提供便利。 每個航班均設有8~12個商務艙, 可以滿足高端商務旅客的出行需求。

廣西壯族自治區首府南寧風景秀麗, 素有“綠城”的美名。 澳門航空以“一機到底”的飛航模式為南寧、臺北兩端客人的往來提供了行李直掛, 轉機時間短, 轉機手續簡便的快捷服務。