Thursday, 15 October 2009

New MOP 50 notes in circulation on November 澳門推新版伍拾圓鈔票 (澳门推新版伍拾圆钞票)


New BNU (Banco Nacional Ultramarino) notes with MOP 50 patacas denomination will be put in circulation from November, in a total amount of MOP $250 million, with a issued date of 8 August 2009.

The new bills feature the Sai Van Bridge, with brown as its dominant colour.
Additional security features were added to increase anti-counterfeiting measures, including holographic windowed security threads, highlight watermark and see-through pattern. The current existing MOP 50 bills are to be gradually replaced by the new ones.

澳門大西洋銀行將於11月推出面額伍拾圓全新設計新版澳門幣鈔票。 鈔票印有2009年8月8日發行日期, 總金額為澳門幣2億5仟萬元。

新版鈔票主圖案為西灣大橋, 顏色為深啡, 並具新增防偽特徵包括全息開窗安全線、高光白水印、對印圖案。 新版鈔票將逐步替代舊版鈔票。 根據協議規定澳門大西洋銀行繼續擔任發鈔銀行的角色直至二○一○年。