Tuesday 17 November 2009

Leonid Meteor Shower to Pass Earth 獅子座流星雨重臨 (狮子座流星雨重临)


A moderate to possibly very strong showing of annual Leonid meteor shower is likely to happen before 18th November. The very strong display will favor those living across most of central and eastern Asia. Scientists predict this Leonid Meteor Shower will be more active than usual.

Experts predict during the 2009 Leonid meteor shower, Asia will get the best viewing for the Leonids, with up to hundreds of meteors will be see every hour at the peak of the shower. This year's viewing conditions are close to ideal, allowing observers to see hundreds of meteors, with a clear sky in Macau during the peak time on Tuesday, 17th November.

The Leonid shower is named after the constellation of Leo.

獅子座流星雨重臨, 居民有機會一睹每小時超過百顆流星劃破夜空的浪漫景象。 光的流星可能較金星更光, 更可能出現“火流星”及“流星煙霞”現象, 但仍要視乎當時的天氣條件。

天文學會預測今次流星雨的極盛期出現在11月18日日出前, 相信是繼2001年後最具看頭的一次獅子座流星雨, 黑沙龍爪角將是觀星的不二之選。 由於流星雨極盛期出現或早或遲, “追星族”需觀察16至18日的夜空。

由於獅子座流星雨的輻射點在獅子座, 即東南方, 照輻射點來看, 在本澳望東南方且無遮擋及光害的地方就是觀賞獅子座流星雨的最佳位置。 本澳周邊的光害太多, 流星出現稍縱即逝, 加上燈光干擾, 居民難以觀星。 望海且無光害的路環黑沙龍爪角相信就是觀星的不二之選, 居民無須任何天文器材就可目視璀璨的流星雨。

黑沙龍爪角面海, 環境空曠, 寒夜外出的“追星族”應做足保暖措施。