Monday 7 December 2009

Macau Thai community celebrated the 82nd birthday anniversary of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej 泰皇82歲壽辰"泰國文化節"系列活動 (泰皇82岁寿辰"泰国文化节"系列活动)

The Thai community in Macau gathered together on Saturday snd Sunday (5th and 6th December) to mark the 82nd birthday anniversary of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej, at the Horta da Mitra-Tap Seac neighbourhood long-dubbed ‘little Bangkok’ for its many Thai restaurants and groceries.

The festival was celebrated with a street-festival of dance, music and food, including traditional medicine and massage.

King Bhumibol is the world’s longest-reigning monarch, he is also regarded as probably the most beloved one by the Thai people, and highly revered by the public. King Bhumibol is also protected by the Constitution as "inviolable".

“泰國文化節”系列活動將於12月5日、6日周六、日一連兩天舉行, 藉以慶祝泰皇壽辰。 活動獲澳門基金會、民署贊助,由泰國駐港澳總領事館協辦。 以泰國文化、美食為主軸, 在有“小曼谷”之稱的沿荷蘭園二馬路設泰式美食、手工藝及特色禮品攤位, 並安排充滿泰國風情的泰國傳統民族舞、古典劍術、搖滾樂隊、泰拳表演, 讓參與人士感受熱鬧節慶氣氛, 加深了解泰國的美食與文化。

活動啟動儀式12月5日晚舉行, 除了祝壽儀式、文娛表演、美食攤位、手工藝品及特色禮品展銷外, 還有泰國高僧免費為居民祈福開運。 12月6日安排來自泰國的舞蹈員穿上華麗服飾, 供攝影人士拍攝。 傍晚七時半還推出第二場泰國特色文娛表演。