Monday 28 December 2009

'The Girl from Beijing' musical at Macau's Sands Theatre 澳門金沙演奏廳棟篤笑歌舞劇《約定.香奈兒》 (澳门金沙演奏厅栋笃笑歌舞剧《约定.香奈儿》)



A well-orchestrated musical starring Hong Kong comedian Cheung Tat Ming and songs by Faye Wong which are cleverly interwoven into the story.

It is a tale of Beijing girl meets Hong Hong boy, girl fights with boy and girl gains respect from boy. Peppered with episodes of profound sadness and moments of intense joy, “The Girl From Beijing” brings you into the life of an outsider trying to blend into the hectic lifestyle of Hong Kong. This story is based on actual events in the life of Perry Chiu, a well-known Hong Kong artist.

Date : Saturday, 6th February 2010

Time : 8pm

Venue : Sands Theater

Ticket Price : MOP$380, MOP$200

Language : Chinese

Book Tickets : Click Here

以香港著名舞台劇演員焦媛真實生活體驗為藍本的棟篤笑歌舞劇《約定.香奈兒》(前名:容易受傷的女人), 以華人樂壇天后王菲的經典金曲貫穿全劇, 讓故事的喜怒哀樂在一首首耳熟能詳的金曲中穿梭, 倍感親切。 本劇更特邀鬼馬笑匠張達明與焦緩聯合主演。

一個從北京來港尋夢的女孩, 遇上一個金牌經理人, 兩者從互相認識、排斥到惺惺相惜, 從過程中滲透著人生的無奈、快樂與悲傷。 從她的自身經歷, 看這個「外來者」如何看香港人、如何在成長中找到共融點、香港文化如何沖擊著她與家人的關系、她的愛情觀、生活及工作的態度……

日期 : 2月6日星期六

時間 : 晚上 8 時正

地點 : 金沙演奏廳

價格 : 澳門幣$380, $200

語言 : 中文

訂購門票 : Click Here