Saturday 16 January 2010

Bryan Berg attempt to break his own Guinness World Record at the Venetian Macau 世界最大型撲克牌建築物澳門威尼斯人呈現 (世界最大型撲克牌建築物澳门威尼斯人呈现)


Bryan Berg

Bryan Berg will launch an attempt to break his own Guinness World Record for the largest house of freestanding playing cards, at the Venetian Macau over the upcoming Chinese New Year. The World Record attempt will commence on January 26 and complete construction on March 10 at The Venetian. Bryan Berg added that this will be his most ambitious project he has undertaken, and there couldn’t be a more fitting place to build the world’s largest house of cards than at the world’s largest resort hotel.

Bryan Berg will attempt to build a replica of The Venetian Macau, The Plaza Macau and Sands Macau buildings - will use more than 190,000 cards and take 44 days to complete. The composition will be over 10 meters long, 3.5 meters tall, and weigh more than 227 kilograms. The cards Bryan Berg will use in this record attempt would stretch more than 17 kilometers.

After 10 days of displaying the completed record-setting replica, on March 20 Berg will have to knock them all down to prove that no tape, glue, or tricks were used. Bryan Berg will manage workshops for children, teaching them how to stack cards, as well as card stacking contests throughout the the construction period.

Visitors can see the project in front of the ZAIA Theater from 26th January to 20th March at the Venetian Macau.

Bryan Berg holds the Guinness record for the world’s largest house of freestanding playing cards, and the Guinness record for the world’s tallest house of freestanding playing cards.

澳門威尼斯人度假村宣佈邀請堆疊「世界最大型撲克牌建築物」及「全球最高撲克牌建築物」的《健力士世界紀錄》保持者Bryan Berg, 蒞臨澳門威尼斯人並挑戰打破其現有「世界最大型撲克牌建築物」的世界紀錄。

由2010年1月26日起, Bryan Berg將挑戰在44日內以超過19萬張撲克牌堆疊出澳門威尼斯人、澳門百利宮及澳門金沙三座建築物, 並定於3月10日完成壯舉。 路氹金光大道的地標建築物及每一座擁有的特色細節 - 包括里亞特橋、鐘塔、弧形的澳門百利宮及澳門金沙, 將一一顯現在其撲克牌建築物。 完成後整個撲克牌建築物將會長10.5米、高3.5米及總重量超過227公斤。 如將Berg這次所用的撲克牌平放總長度將超過17公里。

為表證實, Bryan Berg會於作品十天展示期屆滿後將整個建築群推倒。 Berg會在不使用膠水、膠紙或黏合劑的情況下完成整個撲克牌建築物。


當時17歲的Bryan Berg - 以高14呎6吋的扑克牌建築物打破「全球最高扑克牌建筑物健力士世界紀錄」(World's Tallest House of Freestanding Playing Cards)。 目前他最新的扑克牌建筑物記錄超過25呎高。 在2004年, 《健力士世界紀錄》加入一項新的類別「世界最大型扑克牌建築物」(World's Largest House of Freestanding Playing Cards)以表揚Berg為迪斯尼世界所建的仙杜瑞拉城堡。