Wednesday 27 January 2010

‘Taste the Luck’ at City of Dreams'Treasure Palace 樂於喜迎樓「嚐幸運滋味」 - 享譽盛名厨藝大師甄文達先生與米芝蓮星級名厨譚國鋒先生隆重呈獻「富貴八寶」幸運佳餚

Martin Yan

The ‘Exquisite Eight Specials’

Celebrity Chef Mr. Martin Yan teamed up with City of Dreams’ Michelin Star Chef Mr. Tam Kwok-fung today to launch the ‘Exquisite Eight Specials’ menu tailor made for Treasure Palace, a delicious addition to City of Dreams’ successful ‘Let’s Get Lucky™’ campaign.

The ‘Exquisite Eight Specials’ are new ‘lucky signature dishes’, in a special menu co-created in a culinary collaboration by the two renowned chefs, to be served at Treasure Palace throughout the Lunar New Year period until the year end. From now on, visitors can have the opportunity to ‘Taste The Luck’ at City of Dreams.

Chef Yan and Chef Tam introduced the ‘Exquisite Eight Specials’ during a live cooking demonstration at City of Dreams today, where they prepared a selection of the ‘Lucky signature dishes’ which reflect a discerning taste of fine authentic Chinese fare. The eight ‘lucky signature dishes’ feature mouth-watering combinations of the very finest fresh ingredients in a unique creative combination by two master Chinese chefs.

The ‘Exquisite Eight Specials’ include Salmon and vegetable salad with truffle yuza dressing, Wok-seared semi dried oyster with honey served with sea moss shrimp rolls, Braised fish maw, sea cucumber, abalone, goose web, shiitake, and Taro sesame rice dumplings in pumpkin sweet soup.

Prices for the ‘Exquisite Eight Specials’ are ranged from MOP 28 to MOP 488, and are subject to 10% service charge, 5% Government tax and the relevant terms and conditions.

世界著名厨藝大師甄文達先生與新濠天地之米芝蓮星級名厨譚國鋒先生, 攜手為喜迎樓特別呈獻「富貴八寶」幸運佳餚, 為新濠天地獲得空前成功的「您是幸運兒™」大型活動再添美味色彩。

由兩大頂級名廚特製的「富貴八寶」幸運佳餚, 創新獨特, 將全年於喜迎樓供應, 以饗食家。 由現時起新濠天地的遊客可「嚐幸運滋味」, 於新春以至全年時間在美饌中體驗幸運。

甄文達先生及譚國鋒先生在新濠天地介紹「富貴八寶」幸運佳餚, 並在其中精選數款佳餚即席烹調, 大顯廚藝, 彰顯中國傳統特色美饌。 「富貴八寶」幸運佳餚由兩大名廚主理, 糅合上乘食材, 為垂涎之作。

「富貴八寶」幸運佳餚包括「八方撈起」(松露菌撈起三文魚生)、 「發財珠寶」(蜜汁煎金蠔拼發財卷)、 「五福臨門」(花膠、海參、鮮鮑極品、鵝掌花菇及「金銀滿屋」(金瓜露香芋湯圓), 價錢由澳門幣28元至488元不等, 另加10%服務費用和5%政府稅。