Thursday, 1 April 2010

Hennessy Celebrates the 140th Anniversary of Hennessy X.O with the Launch of its latest Exclusive Collection - Opus 140 軒尼詩隆重呈獻限量珍藏版Opus 140於新濠天地

Hennessy, the world’s leading cognac house has proudly launched its latest Hennessy X.O Exclusive Collection, Opus 140, as a tribute to its legendary eXtra Old cognac, for its 140th anniversary. To manifest the grandeur of Opus 140, each bottle is individually numbered.

In celebration of the significant launch, Mr. Maurice-Richard Hennessy, the 8th generation of the Hennessy family and the honorary City of Dreams Ambassador – representing luxury and lifestyle, presented an autographed bottle of Opus 140 Jeroboam to City of Dreams on last Friday March 19, 2010 which will now take pride of place in its signature restaurant, Horizons. The bottle was received by Mr. Michael French, Senior Vice President of Operations, City of Dreams. This is a continuous collaboration between Hennessy and City of Dreams. Hennessy X.O Exclusive Collection One and Two – Magnificence and Iridescence - have also been showcased at Horizons.

140 years ago in 1870, Maurice Hennessy, the visionary grandson of Richard Hennessy, the founder of the house, created the original eXtra Old cognac in France. This subtle symphony of over 100 rare and matured eaux-de-vie (waters of life) was widely acclaimed as a work of art.

A delicate balance between power and refinement, Hennessy X.O is very masculine, delivering full-bodied and peppery warmth spiced with cloves, with old leather undertones softened by delicious hints of vanilla, cinnamon and candied fruits.

For the past 140 years, the Fillioux family, whose ancestors have been master blenders at Hennessy since 1800, has been transmitting the secrets of creating this exceptional cognac from generation to generation. The dual-family dynasty of the Hennessy’s and Fillioux’s has played a significant part in maintaining the fine quality of Hennessy X.O.

Now, as a tribute to Hennessy X.O’s 140th anniversary, Opus 140 is a magnified interpretation of the emblematic carafe which was designed in 1947. Its form was inspired by an upside down grape bunch, and decorated with the very vines from which this rare cognac was born.

The alchemy of its precious eaux-de-vie is symbolically represented by the perfection of the gold adorning the vine branches on the carafe. The gold is raw, in a state of fusion, ennobled by man’s skill through its multiple facets.

The shape of the vine branches on the carafe is life-like, but its rounded grains gradually give way to sharper lines and relief, giving an effect of perspective and escapism.

Cut into the metal itself, these elements work like a mirror, poetically evoking the endless horizons that this rare eaux-de-vie reveals to the palate.

Hennessy X.O is definitely a treasure born from the vine, brought into being by over a century of expertise by Hennessy.

Whether consumed straight or on the rocks, each tasting will reveal a whole new experience in fine cognac.

為慶祝軒尼詩X.O干邑誕生140周年,世界首屈一指的干邑品牌軒尼詩特別隆重呈獻全新的軒尼詩X.O限量珍藏版Opus 140,向其經典陳年特級干邑致意。每瓶Opus 140瓶身均刻有獨立序號,加倍突顯其尊貴堂皇的氣派魅力。

為隆重其事,軒尼詩家族第八代傳人及新濠天地榮譽大使,奢華時尚品味的象徵,莫利斯.軒尼詩先生(Mr. Maurice-Richard Hennessy)於上星期五2010年3月19日親臨澳門出席於新濠天地舉行的發佈盛會,並把一瓶配有其親筆簽名的三公升裝Opus 140 贈予新濠天地「尚雅坊」,並由新濠天地高級營運副總裁高雋曄先生代表接受。此瓶珍藏將稍後在酒店內的高級時尚食府「尚雅坊」內展出。而Opus 140 更會在新濠天地作獨家發售。軒尼詩與新濠天地持續合作,軒尼詩X.O限量珍藏版第一代(Magnificence)以及第二代 (Iridescence)亦於尚雅坊內展出。

早於140年前,時為1870年,軒尼詩創辦人李察.軒尼詩(Richard Hennessy)的曾孫莫利斯.軒尼詩經已極具前瞻視野,他於法國推出世上首款X.O(eXtra Old)干邑。此一陳年特級干邑由百多種彌足珍貴且醇厚馥郁的生命之水(eaux-de-vie)譜製而成,素有「猶如藝術珍品般」的讚譽。




為了紀念軒尼詩X.O干邑面世140周年而推出的軒尼詩 X.O限量珍藏版Opus 140,其酒瓶除了沿用這款經典設計之餘,還會注入更多創新元素,堪稱典範中的昇華演繹。

Opus 140 酒瓶瑰麗獨特,瓶身飾有黃金鋪砌的葡萄樹枝,完美地象徵著珍貴生命之水的奇妙融合;黃金裝飾互相交錯,多個琢面全由人手精工打磨,盡現Opus 140獨特的金碧輝煌氣派,卓越超凡。



軒尼詩 X.O 干邑乃是源於葡萄藤蔓的碩果豐物,也是軒尼詩家族超越一世紀的專業心血結晶。
