Friday, 2 April 2010

Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra 史圖加特廣播交響樂團 (史图加特广播交响乐团)

The Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra

The Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra (SWR) - established in Germany in 1945 - concentrates on exemplary interpretations of the great classics and its romantic repertoire, as well as focusing on composers and masterpieces generally unfamiliar to audiences. In 1998, Sir Roger Norrington joined the Orchestra as Principal Conductor, striking up an immediate affinity with each composer's concept of melody. In this concert, the Orchestra invites the American-born Chinese pianist Claire Huangci who won the first prize in the 57th Kosciuszko Chopin International Piano Competition, to perform Prokofiev's 'Piano Concerto No 3 in C major', Haydn's 'Symphony No. 101 in D major - The Clock' and Elgar's 'Enigma Variations'.

Date: 27th April, 8pm
Venue: Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Centre, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE
Admission: MOP$480, $380, $250, $120
Organizer: Macau Cultural Centre
Tel: 2870 0699
Duration: Approximately 1 hour 50 minutes (Including 20 minutes intermission)

1945年成立的史圖加特廣播交響樂團獲獎無數,更是當今德國舉足輕重的「音樂大使」。1998年,英國指揮大師諾靈頓爵士(Sir Roger Norrington)加入樂團並擔任首席指揮,將早期演繹方式與現代樂團巧妙融合,呈現獨樹一幟的演奏風格。樂團與曾榮獲蕭邦國際鋼琴大賽一等獎的美籍華裔鋼琴家黃慈合作,為是次音樂會帶來浦羅高菲夫(Prokofiev)的《C大調第三鋼琴協奏曲》、海頓(Haydn)D大調第101交響曲《時鐘》及艾爾加(Elgar)《謎語變奏曲》,精釆可期。

時間: 4月27日晚上8時
地點: 澳門文化中心綜合劇院 / 冼星海大馬路
票價: 澳門幣$480, $380, $250, $120
主辦: 澳門文化中心
電話: 2870 0699
演出約長1小時50分鐘 (包括20分鐘中場休息)