Monday, 21 April 2008

360°Cafe at Macau Tower 澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心360°旋轉餐廳 (澳门旅遊塔会展娱乐中心360°旋转餐厅)

Pic Source : nextmedia

Located at a height of 219 meter in the Macau Tower, the 360 Café in Macau is one of the high altitude restaurant. The Café offers International cuisine that is very popular with the locals and the visitors alike, it includes South East Asian, Chinese, Continental, Macanese and others. The Café is a revolving restaurant in Macau and takes one and a half hours to take a complete spin, which offers great view of the landscape.

The dinner at the 360 Café also offers Portuguese, Indian flavors and splendid seafood delicacies. The restaurant is open for lunch, dinner and tea time.

Address : Level 60, Macau Tower, Lago Sai Van
Tel : 8988 8622

360°旋轉餐廳位於澳門旅遊塔的60樓, 旋轉式設計能讓您從多個角度欣賞澳門美景。 360°旋轉餐廳的自助晚餐, 其地道葡國及印度風味, 豐饒鮮美的魚生和海產各式地道美食絕對是一段美味回憶中最重量級的一部份。

地址: 南灣新填海區第一地段D區澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心60樓
電話: 8988 8622