Thursday 24 April 2008

Macau PR will receive a one time $5000 cash subsidy, $3000 for non-residence to fight inflation 澳門財政盈餘 每人發5千澳門幣緩解通脹 (澳门财政盈馀, 每人发5千澳门币缓解通胀)

Every permanent resident and non-permanent resident of Macau will receive a one-time government subsidy of $5,000MOP and $3,000MOP before July the latest, due to the influences of growing living costs and the rise of inflation. SAR government would spend about $2 billion MOP on the subsidies, giving the money to the eligible 527,000 Macau Identity Card holders, which include 67,000 residents who are studying or living aboard.

澳門大發紅包,近年博彩收益大增,特區政府決定把結餘當成紅利和人民共享。特首何厚鏵宣布將發給每位永久居民五千元澳門幣回饋居民, 爭取在今年7月份實施。現時持澳門智慧身份證的52.7萬名居民中,有46.1萬人是永久居民,6.6萬人是非永久居民, 這52萬 (包括6.7萬名在海外居住或留學的澳門居民) 持證人全都可以獲發這筆紅利,澳門政府將會支出20億元, 以緩解高通脹給市民帶來的壓力。