Monday, 21 April 2008

Inagiku Japanese Restaurant at StarWorld Hotel and Casino 星際酒店稻菊日本料理 (星际酒店稻菊日本料理)

Pic Source : StarWorld Hotel and Casino


The well-known Japanese restaurant chain Inagiku restaurant was opened in Macau at StarWorld Hotel and Casino. With its east meets west décor, the ambiance of the restaurant attracts guests who desire authentic Japanese cuisine, exemplary service and chic surroundings.

Signature dishes created only in Macau include the “Grilled Lobster with Sesame Sauce”, “Deep-Fried Flounder with Mushroom Sauce” and “Boiled Fugu Egg or pufferfish roe with Radish Sauce”.

Address : 5th floor, StarWorld Hotel and Casino, Avenida da Amizade, Macau
Tel: 82908668, 28781111

超過百年歷史, 世界聞名的鏈鎖餐廳的稻菊日本料理, 一向以天婦羅享負盛名。 壽司刺身, 鐵板燒料理亦是其重要元素。 稻菊日本料理為食客提供上乘的日本料理。 店內以紅黑爲主調, 散發英式時尚品味, 輔以別具特色的日本浮世繪木刻版畫, 中西合壁獨特設計。

稻菊日本料理澳門餐廳限定名菜包括燒龍蝦配芝麻汁, 炸左口魚配白菌汁及河豚白魚子醋蘿蔔茸汁。

地址: 新口岸友誼大馬路星際酒店5樓
電話: 82908668, 28781111