Monday 21 April 2008

Ying at Altira Macau Hotel and Casino 澳門新濠鋒(皇冠)帝影樓 (澳门新濠锋(皇冠)帝影楼)


Pic Source : nextmedia



Located in the six-star Crown Macau Hotel, Ying is a restaurant specializes in Cantonese cuisine. The restaurant offers both the traditional and the latest tastes of Guangdong. Head chef of the restaurant Tam Kwok Fung - with over 25 years of experience in the Asian F&B industry. Famous dishes include Japanese Beef with Garlic and Cashew Nuts and Strawberry & Grapefruit Sago Soup. The restaurant also offers guests elegant private dining rooms and each can accommodate 8 to 12 persons. It also boasts a large wine cellar and tasting room.

Address: 11/F Crown Macau
Phone: 2888 0156

高級中式食府帝影樓氣派顯赫, 餐廳飾有圓拱型天花, 精雕木柱, 漂亮吊燈, 裝潢以紅色及金色為主。 獲獎名廚譚國鋒以最優質食材, 巧製簡單, 製造時尚及地道口味的傳統家鄉佳餚。 帝影樓每道菜式均以嶄新的烹飪方法, 演繹出揉合傳統及現代口味之粵式佳肴。 名廚譚國鋒先生在亞洲餐飲界共累積超過廿五年經驗。 其主理的特色菜式包括: 椰香龍蝦卷、叉燒拼海蜇頭花、蒜片腰果和牛丁及士多啤梨柚子西米露。

地址 : 澳門氹仔新濠鋒酒店11樓
電話 : 2888 0156