Friday 6 June 2008

English Premier League team Chelsea will play a friendly soccer match in Macau 英超勁旅車路士來澳門進行 「名門世家杯──澳門國際足球挑戰賽」 (英超劲旅切尔西来澳门進行 「名门世家杯──澳门国际足球挑战赛」 )

As we said in one of our earlier post, the English Premier League team Chelsea will come and play a friendly match in Macau, with players include Andriy Shevchenko, Michael Ballack and Joe Cole. We are now confirming the date of the match is at 26th July, and the team will play against the Chengdu Blades Football Club from China.

The Windsor Arch-Macau International Football Challenge will be Chelsea's second ever game in China after Guangzhou on July 23rd.

Chelsea team will be arrived in Macau on July 24. With the open training hold on the afternoon on the day they arrive. Both Chelsea and Chengdu Blades teams will sponsored separately five whole team signature jersey to the organizer. The money collect will be donated to the Macao Red Cross for charitable purposes.

Auction: eBay
Set product include: Chelsea team signed jersey and ChengDu Blades team signed jersey
Amount: 5 sets (auction one by one)
Starting bid: MOP 2,000.00
“buy it now” Price: MOP 28,000.00


英格蘭超級聯賽勁旅車路士在7月26日將受邀來澳門奉獻友誼賽, 對抗成都謝菲聯俱樂部。包括舍甫琴科、巴拉克、喬·科爾等球員將全部登場。

門票將於6月21日上午9時起在澳門運動場售票處公開發售,門票分MOP $300、$600、$900元。

主辦單位將於7月16日上午9時起在新葡京向已購買比賽當日門票的人士預留二千張車路士公開集訓免費門票派發,每人限取五張,先到先得。 主辦單位已向有關贊助商要求騰出了一千張比賽門票於十六日上午九時假新葡京公開發售。

車路士將於7月24日上午到達澳門, 24日下午進行公開訓練。 一系列活動包括與本澳青少年交流的足球培訓班、公開集訓操練、簽名會等。

主辦單位得到車路士及成都謝菲聯兩隊分別送出5件全隊簽名的球衣予大會用作拍賣, 收入將捐予澳門紅十字會作慈善用途。

拍賣途徑: ebay 全球網上拍賣
每套義賣産品包括: 車路士全隊簽名球衣一件和成都謝菲聯全隊簽名球衣一件
總共拍賣球衣數目: 五套 (每次競拍一套)
每套起標價: MOP 2000.00
每套立即買價: MOP 28,000.00


Andriy Shevchenko
Pic Source : goalvideoz

Michael Ballack
Pic Source : conti-online

Joe Cole
Pic Source :


Anonymous said...

How do I buy tickets for this?

seemacau said...

the ticket is now for sale started from yesterday, you can buy it at Macau Studium

Good luck !!