Monday 28 July 2008

Macau unveils jade rabbit design for pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 上海世博會澳門館設計評選揭曉"玉兔"方案獲冠軍 (上海世博会澳门馆设计评选揭晓"玉兔"方案获冠军)




The Macau Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo, designed by Chinese firm Carlos Marreiros - will take the shape of a jade rabbit lantern. The structure will change colors to present a mythological world. The ‘Lantern of the little rabbit’ won the first prize during the July 2008 design contest.

The design of Macau Pavilion was inspired by rabbit lanterns popular during the Mid-autumn Festival in south China in ancient times. In Chinese mythology, the jade rabbit is a guide at the front of Nantianmen, the door leading to a fairy land.

The pavilion will be wrapped with a double-layer glass membrane and feature fluorescent screens on its outer walls. Balloons will serve as the head and tail of the "rabbit" and these can be moved up and down to attract visitors.

A spiral ramp will take visitors on a journey of Macau. A film about Macau will be screened on the roof of the pavilion. Visitors to the pavilion will receive a rabbit lantern.

The Macau pavilion is an eco-friendly structure. It uses recyclable construction materials as well as solar power panels and rain collection systems.

2010年上海世博會澳門館概念設計比賽評選日前揭曉, “玉兔”方案經評審三個多小時深入而熱烈的討論之后, 一致決議獲冠軍寶座, “舞蓮”及“濠鏡”分別位列亞軍及季軍。

由土生葡人, 澳門資深建筑師馬若龍Carlos Marreiros聯同本地青年建筑師鄧明威及李世昌共同完成的“玉兔”, 將以先進的多媒體科技及互動的元素, 展示澳門近年的經濟、社會及文化成就, 預計可成為2010年上海世博園內的一大亮點。

“玉兔”富高創意, 具很強的展示及娛樂功能, 將成為2010年世博會澳門館的興建藍圖。 “玉兔”則是傳說中在南天門前守待迎賓引路的仙兔, “玉兔”結合了華南地區古時的兔子燈籠外形, 以及現代的高新科技和環保建筑設計理念, 將澳門集中西文化精華、揉合現代和古典的共融文化特色展露無遺。 “玉兔”外形獨特, 其頭部及尾是氣球可隨音樂延伸升高及移動。 透明外墻可運用燈光與顏色制做不同效果。 澳門館建筑以太陽能發電, 采用鋼鐵結構, 減省用水, 材料亦可循環再用, 結合環保概念可減少對環境造成的壓力。

“玉兔”設計富高創意, 內設一計算機仿真的展示館, 一小型天幕戲院及由內至外環著一小滑梯供小孩滑至出口等等的設施, 匯合了很強的展示及娛樂功能, 整體藝術及實用價值都很高。