Saturday 11 October 2008

Air Asia terminate flights to Macau 亞航取消馬來西亞往來澳門三條航線 (亚航取消马来西亚往来澳门叁条航线)

The first budget airline operated in Macau - Air Asia, was terminated its direct flights from Johor Bahru at the beginning of October. The airline will terminate its Kuching and Senai to Macau flight by the end of this month.

"I cannot comment on the matter before finding out what prompted the move by Air- Asia," state Tourism, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Committee chairman Hoo Seong Chang said.

The airline will cut flights between Macau to Bangkok and Macau to Kuala Lumpur, from four times per day to three.

首家在澳門國際機場經營低成本航線, 每天有廿多個航班往返澳門的亞洲航空公司, 宣佈短期內取消三條馬來西亞往來澳門航線, 曼谷和吉隆玻兩條往返澳門航線亦會縮減班次。 亞洲航空公司表示十月和十一月為旅遊淡季, 待旅遊淡季後, 視乎客況再研究會否重開。 亞洲航空公司曾多次強調珠三角除澳門有開闢航線, 鄰近香港、深圳、廣州都開闢了低成本航線, 部分航線更與澳門重疊。

亞洲航空公司10月開始首先取消了澳門 - 柔佛巴魯的往返航線, 10月26日再取消澳門往來古晉和亞庇兩條航線。

澳門/曼谷和澳門/吉隆玻兩條客量相對較為穩定的航線, 將由每日四班減至每日三班。