Saturday 11 October 2008

Macau plans night market at historial center 澳門舊城區擬變身夜市 (澳门旧城区拟变身夜市)

Macau plans to set up night market at the historial center area. The market will cater to a growing resident and tourist population, which would also add another dimension to the night life in Macau. A further announcement will be make by the government later this year.

The purpose of opening a night market is to extend the length of stay of the tourists and to improve the quality of tourism products in Macau.

澳門將會在年底公布一系列協助旅遊發展措施, 其中較大可能計劃是把舊城區變身綜合夜市, 澳門早年已有多個團體曾向政府提議於新橋或康公廟前地一帶變身為夜市。 把澳門著名美食集中起來。

其他措施包括吸納新的客源, 其中一個會考慮的措施是協助航空公司拓展印度等新興市場直航。

澳門旅遊業界認為, 最重要是延長旅客逗留時間。 目前旅客平均在澳門逗留1.4晚。 政府希望夜市能令旅客可消磨一個晚上,變相多留一晚。 除了用美食吸客, 澳門旅遊業界亦有建議多辦嘉年華, 讓家庭旅客有更多好去處。