Saturday 6 December 2008

Who is King David of 2008 誰是二○○八大胃王 (谁是二○○八大胃王)

Pic Source : Macau Daily
This year winner - Cheong Chi Pong

The annual eating contest “Who is King David of 2008” was held on the 7th Dec at the Macau Fisherman's Wharf restaurant Rossio. This contest was actually referring to the biggest belly of all by 'eating Turkey'. The event was began last year as a beef eating contest. The number of participants this year has increased from 12 to 17, ranged from ages 18 to 50 years. 3 of them were female.

This year, 41 years old Cheong Chi Pong crowned the winner of the Turkey eating. He swallowed 644 grams of the 2.5 kilogram turkey with garnish in just 30 minutes of times. His award including a two person round trip ticket from Macau to Ho Chi Minh City. Second place went to Ng Wai Lok, who had ate 579 grams of Turkey and won himself a mobile phone with SIM card. Lok Kuok Fai followed with 556 grams and won a one night hotel accommodation at Rock's hotel. All the 17 participants received discount cards and memberships of the Macau Fisherman's Wharf's 'Legend Reward Program'.

Macau Fisherman's Wharf have revealed plans for another round next year.

漁人碼頭由12月7日起舉行一連串聖誕慶祝活動, 率先登場的是12月7日下午舉行的“第二屆誰是二○○八大胃王”比賽。 參加人數由去年12人增至今年17人。 參賽者為爭奪大胃王錦標, 在限時三十分鐘內狼吞虎嚥狂食火雞, 有人細嚼慢嚥未見緊張。 場內圍觀人群加油聲四起, 不斷吶喊助威。 參賽者努力把火雞肉塞進口中。 大會規定參賽者在限時內鬥快進食2.5公斤重的火雞連配菜, 食得最多的即可成為“大胃王”冠、亞、季軍及贏得豐富奬品。 結果大胃王殊榮大熱倒灶, 兩位大熱一號及八號沒有贏得比賽。 冠軍由美國華僑張志邦(食剩1.856公斤火雞)奪得。 他表示, 平日食量已很大, 試過一頓可吃2隻火雞, 參賽時已滿懷心更打算下年再挑戰大胃王。 張志邦獲得奬品包括雙人澳門至胡志明市來回機票。 亞軍二號吳偉樂(食剩1.921公斤)將獲得摩托羅拉VE538 3G流動電話連3G國際漫遊預付卡。 季軍十七號駱國輝(食剩1.944公斤)獲得萊斯酒店尊尚客房住宿一晚。