Thursday, 12 February 2009

Adlib Macau Stores open - Adlib進軍澳門 (Adlib进军澳门)

Hong Kong Fashion Brand - 'Adlib' kicked off the grand opening store in Macau. Highlight of the day include a big party at the Fashion Club in Macau Fishermen Wharf.

Address : Rua de Pedro Nolasco Ida Silva No 32 R/C, Macau

繼mastermind JAPAN即將於澳門開設專門店, 香港知名潮流品牌Adlib亦宣佈於澳門開店, 比mmJ開得更早。 ADLIB第一間海外店日前於澳門盛大開幕。 ADLIB將在漁人碼頭舉辦Grand Opening Party及VIP廠商雜誌媒體的限定PARTY。

開幕別注item有tee及tote bag兩款, Ablib方面為保持神秘暫時未有公開。
