Monday, 16 February 2009

Australian luxury tour “Wonders of Asia & Africa” arrived Macau 19天澳洲包機“非亞驚喜之旅”豪華團最後一站暢遊澳門 (19天澳洲包机“非亚惊喜之旅”豪华团最後一站畅遊澳门)


Macau will receive two “Wonders of Asia & Africa” luxury tours within a month from Australia leading luxury tour operator - “Captain’s Choice”. The first 19-day tours came to Macau on a chartered flight on February 15, while another will arrive on March 7. Macau is the last stop of the 19-day tour. Both tours will stay in Macau for 4 days. The visitors will be able to experience the diverse tourism appeals of Macau.

“Captain’s Choice” organized a 4 days chartered flight tour group to Macau on March last year and was well received. This year, the operator designed again luxury tours on chartered flights to cater respectively to 57 and 65 visitors from Australia.

The Monarch Airlines all Business Class Boeing 757 departs from Sydney and travels through various destinations, including Maldives, Kenya Game Park, Libya, Morocco, Jordan, India Taj Mahal and Macau. The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) provided souvenirs as a courtesy to wish the visitors a memorable experience in Macau.

Macau welcomed over 150,000 visitors from Australia lats year, a significant growth of 27% over 2007. Australia was identified among the priority tourism markets. VIVA Macau currently flies to Sydney 4 times a week.

澳門將於一個月內接待兩個來自澳洲的豪華團。 兩個“非亞驚喜之旅”豪華團分別於2月15日及3月7日乘坐包機抵澳門, 展開以中葡文化融合的澳門歷史城區作為賣點四天澳門之旅。 讓旅客在行程中, 感受不一樣的澳門。

2008年3月, 由澳洲一家最具代表的豪華團旅行社“Captain’s Choice”組織私人包機豪華團來澳門4天, 反應熱烈。 今年該旅行社設計2個57人及65人的豪華團路線, 由悉尼出發, 乘坐君主航空公司 (Monarch Airlines) 的波音757全商務艙客機, 以19天遊遍非洲及亞洲各地。 當中包括馬爾代夫, 肯亞, 利比亞, 摩洛哥, 約旦, 印度及澳門。 旅遊局向豪華團的旅客送贈紀念品,使旅客有賓至如歸之感。 是次豪華團安排澳門為最後一站。

去年澳洲來澳門的旅客超過15萬人次, 增長27%。 澳洲一直是澳門推動多元化客源市場及旅遊產品重點市場。 現時非凡航空每週有4班往來澳洲悉尼和澳門的航班。 澳門於早年在澳洲及紐西蘭設立代表處, 在當地推廣澳門旅遊。